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Made in 2001, the  11 Apr 2017 Pilgrim spoke about his racing and winning in the Rohr GT1 — plus many other stories covering his impressive career. Porsche Club of America-  Nissan GTR GT1 JR Motorsports. 2 213 gillar · 1 pratar om detta. Unofficial page (GT1 Racing Nissan GT-R Page) FIA GT1-VM 2011 är den andra säsongen av världsmästerskapet för GT1-bilar.

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Race Countdown is a Motorsport Racing Dates Calendar and Digital Countdown clock that counts down to Race Start! Select your favorite Motorsport Racing  Debut: 2003, Porsche 996 GT3 RS, T2M Motorsport, 28 (9 GT) Bästa Plac: 28 (9 GT) Född: 16/2 -74.

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Motor Vehicle Company LIG Racing is a small privateer racing team that competes in Trans Am and SCCA GT1 races. The car started life as a 2002 Riley & Scott Corvette racing professionally in the Trans Am Series driven by Bobby Sak for Tom Gloy's team in the 2002 - 2003 seasons. GT-1-MOTORSPORTS - RHDJapan.

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The history of this car goes back to 1997  These stunners are why we want to bring back a GT1 class to the WEC. term ' hypercar'. And in GT1 form, it could quite easily conquer the motorsport world. 7 Dec 2020 A stunning Porsche 911 GT1 Evolution, thought to be the only one in the world converted from racing car to street use, will be a star attraction at  The FORD GT FIA GT1 is the race version of the FORD GT developed by Matech Concepts to comply with FIA GT1 rules. It debuted at the 2009 FIA GT  2 Nov 2020 A new super-sports car series will bring private supercar owners together on track in a new “racing-inspired” series, that's intended to revive the  Amazon.com: Driver Motorsports Chevy Corvette C3 GT1 Left Front 2 HD Poster Classic Race Car 18 X 12 Inch Print: Posters & Prints. ドリフトパーツ、チューニングパーツを中心に、オリジナルパーツを多数販売し ている自動車パーツ通販専門ショップGT-1 MOTOR SPORTSです。 31 Jan 2020 Ever since this Nissan R390 GT1 crossed the finish line at Le Mans in 1998, it's been kept hidden away by its maker in Japan.

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