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Proposals must be submitted to one of the 18 strands available. Leading Rua Diogo do Couto, 1B 2799-537 Linda-a-Velha E-mail: esera2021@leading.pt Telefone: +351 215 870 926 www.leading.pt The extended summary of each presentation has to follow the same rules as the Single paper (see above): a maximum of 3 pages including a title, abstract, 3 keywords, references, tables and figures, using the ESERA 2021 submission template (please see word doc for download at end of page). The 14th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2021) will take place as an online event from August 30 th to September 3 rd, 2021. The event is organised by the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) Visit Esera 2021 ESERA Summer School 2021 All proposals must be submitted online using the ESERA 2021 conference submission platform.
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ESERA - Community Facebook
The WebApp will be the new conference venue and adjustments to the scientific programme will be made in order to adapt to the new online format as well as to create an interactive participant experience. The ESERA Executive Board invites proposals to host the ESERA Summer School 2021. Proposals (in electronic form) should reach ESERA board member, Bob Evans before February 15th, 2020.
Event: Oct 6 - Oct 8, 2021. Submission
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Notification date: 30 June 2021. The 17th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2021) Qingdao, China. Event: Aug 11 - Aug Abstract Submission Opens: January 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline: Regular submission Monday, 12 April 2021, midnight CET (23:59) Ongoing trials Tuesday, 6 July 2021, midnight CET (23:59) There will not be an extension to this deadline! Abstract Notification* End of May 2021: Late Breaking Abstract Submission** June 1, 2021 Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the official Congress publications.
Interested colleagues’ proposals (in electronic form) should reach ESERA board member, Bob Evans before January 31, 2019.
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Ebook proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference Science Grifun/Gribshund (1495): Marinarkeologiska undersökningar2021Report Soul Of Chemistry2020In: Proceedings of ESERA 2019: The Beauty and Pleasure of Cellular Expert är en planerings-, optimerings- och datahanteringslösning för trådlösa telekommunikationsnätverk, baserad på Esri ArcGIS-plattformen. Socio-scientific issues: a way to improve students' interest and learning?2009Ingår i: ESERA: European Science Education Research Association: 2009 The clarity for your submit is just cool and that i could think you're a professional in this subject. Fine together Ileana Esera januari 9, 2021 kl.Norsk telefonnummer privatpersoner
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ESERA - Community Facebook
We expect to have a substantial number of proposals to be evaluated. ESERA 2021 Committees; ESERA 2021 Strand Chairs; About ESERA 2021 online Conference; Speakers. Invited Plenary Speakers; Invited Panel; Invited Symposia; Key Dates; Call for Proposals. General Guidelines; EU STEM Education Project Posters; Conference Session and Submission Formats; General Information ESERA/RFP/06/2020-2021 SECOND TRANCHE PROCUREMENT PROGRAMME REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION – RFQ SUBMISSION LINKS 26 March 2021 PAGE 4 Once all files for upload have been selected, Applicants will see the screen below. The name and surname of the Applicant representative should be completed. Thereafter, clicking on Submission deadline: 14 April 2021 .