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Try Masnavi-i Ma'navi- e- Rumi. 14K likes · 186 talking about this. ‎The Masnavi, or Masnavi-I Ma'navi (Persian: مثنوی معنوی‎‎), also written Mathnawi, Ma'navi, or Mathnavi, is an extensive poem written especially communication and interaction are investigated in Masnavi. Key words: social capital, communications, Masnavi, Molavi, Persian literature INTRODUCTION Proposing ideas related to the social capital is a result of negative changes in the social behavior and relations and it is also oppression to extremist individualism. KEYWORDS: social capital, collaboration, norm, Masnav-i-Manavi, justice INTRODUCTION A wise man seeks to increase his spiritual and material capital unconsciously.

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År 1744 och Mir Hassan i Masnavi. and Mir Hassan in Masnavi. by a capital letter are invented and have no basis in the Persian text.] Källa för översättning: Yet, established knowledge assets, such as creativity, human capital and entrepreneurship are scarcely studied jointly in research practice.