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He founded Castlemaine Consulting,  31 Jan 2021 As a result, the founder Erik Gatenholm was placed on the Forbes' “30 under 30” list in 2018, becoming Entrepreneur of the Year. The company  This opens up the opportunity for scientists to bioprint using any type of cells. CELLINK also provides a wide range of bioinks for different applications. A bioink is a  2 Apr 2021 A range of extrusion-based bioprinters is available from Cellink. flexibility,” says Tamer Mohamed, PhD, the company's founder and CEO. 15 Nov 2017 Erik is the chief executive and co-founder of a small Swedish company called Cellink. Founded in Gothenburg only a year ago, it is a world  CELLINK Partnership Conference. A two-day virtual gathering of the leading minds in the life Meet the team: Harry, Managing Director.

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0 Shares 0 0 0 0. CEO, Cellink AB; eg bv @c da el hm li no nk nd.c qd om nl; Klementina Österberg. Presskontakt; VD, GU Ventures AB; kl kz em ap en xe ti fh na qt @v ws en cj tu xa re wu s. bw gu aj.s uq e hq +46 Further to the press release published on 11 March 2021, CELLINK AB (publ) ("CELLINK" or the "Company") announces the pricing of (i) an issue of Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2026 (the CELLINK will also gain the capacity to deliver large-scale automation to customers in the medical technology field and diagnostics, as well as an associated portfolio of innovative consumables that complement our existing offering.,” Erik Gatenholm, CEO, CELLINK, summarises.

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For further information, please contact: CELLINK’s products are trusted by more than 1,800 laboratories, including ones at all the top 20 pharmaceutical companies, are being used in more than 65 countries, and have been cited in more than 1,600 publications. 2017-01-13 Phasefocus CEO Martin Humphry adds, “We are very excited to be working with the talented team at CELLINK. Their complementary product portfolio and vision is a natural fit with Phasefocus.

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Cellink AB: CELLINK launches C.WASH, an innovative liquid

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In just three years of existence, the company has been able to commercialise products used in … Se Simon Rekonens profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk.
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http://www.cellink.com gd@cellink.com; Erik Gatenholm. CEO. CELLINK AB (publ) Arvid Wallgrens Backe 20 413 46 Göteborg +46 73 267 00 00 http://www.cellink.com eg@cellink.com Erik Gatenholm, CEO Gusten Danielsson, CFO Telefon: +46 73 267 00 00 Telefon: +46 70 991 86 04 E-mail: eg@cellink.com E-mail: gd@cellink.com Erik Gatenholm, CEO, CELLINK. “Over the last 11 years we have developed a strong foundation and built well-renowned customer relationships within our industry. As current partner to CELLINK we are well acquainted with the culture, the technology – and innovation driven agenda as well as the Group’s high ambitions.

In 2015, I did my first interview with founders Erik Gatenholm (CEO), Hector Martinez Avila (CTO) and Gusten Danielsson (CFO) about the launch of their very first bioink at a time when bioprinting was starting to become more widely available. 2021-03-22 CEO Cellink Group Freiburg im Breisgau Vor 3 Wochen Gehören Sie zu den ersten 25 Bewerbern. Auf Firmenwebseite bewerben Speichern.
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CELLINK är världens första företag som har utvecklat “biobläck” för att  As announced on March 10, 2021, CELLINK AB (publ) ("CELLINK") entered into an agreement to acquire Erik Gatenholm, CEO, CELLINK. Artur has a wealth of experience within the life sciences industry, has served as CEO Abigo medical, Executive Vice President at AddLife, and  CELLINK fick 2,5 miljoner Euro från SME-instrumentet HORIZON 2020, Fas 2. “Samarbetet med GAEU har varit Ett företag att lita på!” Erik Gatenholm, CEO  CELLINK AB is engaged in the development and commercialization of bioprinting technologies. Its products allow researchers to 3D print human organs and  CELLINK grundades 2016 och är ett globalt Life science-företag som erbjuder teknologier, CELLINK skapar framtidens sjukvård.

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Héctor Martínez - Co-founder and CTO - CELLINK AB LinkedIn

“Collaborating with GAEU has been great!