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Boyfriend Stas Reeflay, real name Stanislav Reshetnikov, faces manslaughter charges over her death 6 Reshetnikov seen during the live stream as Grigoryeva lays unconscious on a sofa behind him The The killing took place at a house the YouTuber, whose real name is Stanislav Reshetnikov, was renting in the village of Ivanovka, near Moscow. Reshetnikov live-streamed the killing to his tens of Reshetnikov has been arrested and could potentially face two years in prison if the coroner concludes that hypothermia induced by the filming setup was the cause of Grigoryeva’s death. Reshetnikov 30-year-old Stanislav Reshetnikov, who goes by the alias of Stas Reeflay online, forced his 28-year-old-girlfriend, Valentina ‘Valya’ Grigoryeva, out onto a balcony in near-freezing temperatures The finding comes after 30-year-old vlogger ReeFlay - real name Stanislav Reshetnikov - has admitted that he struck her on the day she died, according to state investigators. The YouTuber faces up Stanislav Reshetnikov, the host of YouTube channel ReeFlay, filmed himself dragging his girlfriend, Valentina, down the hall and on to a sofa in his home. Then, speaking to the camera, at his desk in front of the body, he wept as he blamed himself for what had happened. “I tell you,” he added, “she seems to be dead.” ACTUALIZACIÓN:Durante la noche del jueves en Moscú y de acuerdo al canal de TV rusa NTV, Reshétnikov ya fue detenido y se le investiga por homicidio, ya que Stas Reeflay, real name Stanislav Reshetnikov, was arrested after paramedics found Valentina Grigoryeva unresponsive at his home near Moscow on the night of December 2.
2008 - 2009, Russia2. 2007 - 2008 GM, Novikov Stanislav, 4125371, 2544. 119. GM, Petrov Nikita, 4101286, 2543 Yilmaz Mustafa, 6302718, 2525. 133. IM, Reshetnikov Alexey, 4162080, 2524.
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Stanislav Kornelyuk 28, Permian, Uralian, Maxim Reshetnikov, 2017/02/06, "Förenade 41, Ivanovo, Central, Stanislav Voskresensky, 2017/10/10, nonpartisan. Arkady, från grekiska, bosatt i Arcadia, Holy Martyr Arkady Reshetnikov, Deacon Cyril, Stanislav, Yaroslav, Tysk, Valery, Fedot, Orest, Athanasius, Egor, Pavel.
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Stanislav Reshetnikov is said to have locked out his girlfriend, only in underwear, in freezing temperatures, until she finally froze to death. And that too in the livestream! The pregnant and alcoholic Russian streamer Valentina, died while streaming live with her boyfriend.
This way led to completion of the Moscow association of analytical psychology (Jungian analysis). 2020-12-04 · Reeflay — whose real name is Stanislav Reshetnikov — continued recording even after he realized that his girlfriend was “half dead” on a balcony at his home in the village of Ivanovka
Stas Reeflay, real name Stanislav Reshetnikov, was arrested after paramedics found Valentina Grigoryeva unresponsive at his home near Moscow on the night of December 2.
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Mått, 158 x a traumatic brain injury caused the death of 27-year-old Valentina Grigoriyeva during a stream of blogger Stanislav Reshetnikov (Reeflay). Edit2: Stanislav Reshetnikov som han egentligen heter, ha tagit emot 1 000 dollar av en tittare som utmanade honom att utsätta sin flickvän för Författare, Reshetnikov, Stanislav. Mediatyp, Kort/tarot. Artikelkod, 9780764360022.