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Only thing to be aware of is that he can retreat if he feels he is in danger. A smart Viktor player would pick off weaker enemies before going for the stronger ones. When you don't have a support (Viktor has innate healing by running - 250hps) As a Viktor you should only care about yourself and not your team. When you don't have a tank (Flak Jacket IV increases your health by 200, making you an unstoppable tank) When you don't have a flank (Viktor's escape and initiation has no cd, abuse it. The best build for Viktor in paladins 2020 💛Subscribe for more and stuff!💛i made a discord channel to hang out with you guys :phtt Best loadout for Viktor! Viktor.

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Studios. Press. Events. Legal. Support r/Paladins: The subreddit of Paladins: Champions of the Realm, a free-to-play, competitive multiplayer, first person shooter for Windows … All Paladins Guides! You May Also Like: Paladins - Viktor Character Guide (How to Play and Defeat) Paladins - Battle Pass 3 - Remix Challenges Guide and Tips; Paladins - Cassie Guide; Paladins - The Drafting Guide; Paladins - Five Things to Become a Better Flanker Rocket Launcher The Launcher is good at eliminating low-mobility shields and tanks, such as Fernando or Barik. Drogoz's rockets only move at medium speed, so it is important to factor the target's movement in.

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Level 1 Any tips on playing against Viktor? Now, I don't want this to sound like this is another post complaining about how he's op or anything.

Paladins viktor tips

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Paladins viktor tips

Viktor build guides on MOBAFire.

Fire Spit Fire Spit has a slow projectile speed, well ← Back to Champion Skins. This page was last edited on 31 July 2019, at 08:10. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. 2021-04-05 All Paladins Guides! You May Also Like: Paladins - Viktor Character Guide (How to Play and Defeat) Paladins - Battle Pass 3 - Remix Challenges Guide and Tips; Paladins - Cassie Guide; Paladins - The Drafting Guide; Paladins - Five Things to Become a Better Flanker View the profiles of people named Viktor Paladins.
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Paladins viktor tips

It lowers the movement speed penalty of Iron Sights by 10% per rank. This is pretty much a must have at rank 4 or 5 for any Viktor build, as without it you'll find yourself being picked off by a flank/off-tank or even a flanking damage. Victor is a transitioning champion, a champion that makes players from other shooting genres enter into Paladins and try to understand the Paladins world. If you are worried about Buck or any flank, try to stay together with atleast one ally, and Cauterize counters Buck real good.

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It lowers the movement speed penalty of Iron Sights by 10% per rank. This is pretty much a must have at rank 4 or 5 for any Viktor build, as without it you'll find yourself being picked off by a flank/off-tank or even a flanking damage. Victor is a transitioning champion, a champion that makes players from other shooting genres enter into Paladins and try to understand the Paladins world.

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