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The Applied Biosystems 7300 delivers four color detect and has the ability to run positive controls. The 7300 System is optimized for use with standard dye sets: FAM™/SYBR® Green I, VIC®/JOE™, NED™, TAMRA™, and ROX™. Built for fl exibility • Set up the plate before or after the completing the run • Correct plate setup mistakes after the run without losing collected data Page 41 Plate Tool Plate Tool Applicator 4348209 Miscellaneous items (business card –– holder, reply card for installation Splash-Free quality, warranty card, release notes) Support Base Optical Adhesive Covers and Applicator Notes Applied Biosystems 7300/7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System Installation and Maintenance Guide from RQ Plates – 7300 or Standard 7500 System Generating Data from RQ Plates – 7500 Fast System Analyzing Data in an RQ Study Primer Extended on mRNA 5′ 3 Reverse ABI PRISM ® 7700 Sequence USER GUIDE For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Applied Biosystems® 7300Plus Real-Time PCR Instrument Calibration and Maintenance Catalog Number A27159 The Applied Biosystems MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate is optimized to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification. This plate, constructed from a single rigid piece of polypropylene in a 96-well format, is … Page 64 Go to the plate Results tab to view the plus and minus calls for the presence or absence Overview of of the target sequence for each well.
The ABI technician and me, we were both together working quite hard on the machine and we needed more than one attempt until it opened. The StepOne drawer is first moving inside the instrument and then up pressing the plate against the heated lid. With this pushing you are somehow bypassing this (broken) sensor. This is just for information. ABI 7300 Real Time PCR System is available from The Lab World Group.
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Thermocycler Compatibility Applied Biosystems. 310. 96 x 0.2ml Applied Biosystems.
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Save Protocol as a SDS Template [*sdt] in Drive D: →Applied Biosystems →7500 Aug 5, 2014 1.5 After the completion of the "Plate Setup Filename:" Enter the sample file in the file name, click on "Save this plate setup". 2.
With this real time PCR there’s no need to purify PCR, run any gels, or implement post PCR alterations, users can complete Real-Time PCR runs in less than two hours using tubes, 96 well plates, 8-strip tubes. positive controls. The 7300 System is optimized for use with standard dye sets: FAM™/SYBR® Green I, VIC®/JOE™, NED™, TAMRA™, and ROX™.
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Excitation – The instrument illuminates all wells of the reaction plate within the GR2477 7300/7500 barcode on plate GR2471 7500 tray top view Push Notes Applied Biosystems 7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System Getting Started Guide for Relative Standard Curve and Applied biosystems ABI 7300 & 7500 Real Time PCR Calibration kits 96-well TaqMan RNase P Plate; Catalog number: 4350584; The Kits expire date may different, but guarantee valid ===== we can repair your ABI 7500 and ABI 7500 Fast Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 2011-02-10 The variable excitation capability allows greater sensitivity for longer wavelength (red) dyes. The optional configuration of the ABI 7500-Fast is fully optimized for quick cycling, delivering high-quality results in as little as 30 minutes.
Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide. Title: Instruments - RT-PCR - ABI 7300, Author: Dotcom Luxembourg, Length: 4 pages, Published: 2015-04-22
PCR reaction plate, using one plate per dye. Seal each plate with an optical adhesive seal and protect from light until required.
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Bioz Stars score: 99/100, based on 48 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more These plates are universal and fit all thermocyclers which require standard profile products. They even fit the original ABI 7300 and 7500 cyclers as well as sequencers.
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