Lund University Humanities Lab - Projects - Lund University
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Lund University Box 192 SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) expedition se. 2020-04-07 LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries’ joint resources. Through a single search field, you can find articles, journals, doctoral theses and books. If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or Lucat account to access the full texts.
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The Humanities Lab is an Lärandemål: Introduktion till LaTeX: - Lund Humanities Lab. READ. Humanistlaboratoriet. Lunds Universitet. Victoria Johansson. it-pedagog. 2007-10-24.
Richard Andersson - Google Scholar
The university's infrastructure receives much praise in the RQ20 evaluation. Not … 2018-09-21 The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary research and training facility mainly for researchers, teachers, and students across Lund University. We host technology, methodological know-how, archiving expertise, and a wide range of research projects. Humanities Lab. The Laboratory for the Humanisties (Humanistlaboratoriet) at Lund University is a multidisciplinary high-end facility for research and education on culture, communication and cognition.
Lund University - YouTube
It has a basic humanities profile, but it is also – and most importantly – designed also to attract those researchers from the medical, natural and technical sciences who are interested in culture, human (including man- machine) communication, and cognition. Victoria Johansson Senior Lecturer, Associate professor in linguistics, Deputy Director Lund University Humanities Lab General Linguistics Humanities Lab; The Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections; Lund University Box 192 SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) Shortcuts. Lund University Humanities Lab The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary department for research technology and training at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. We host technology Category: Humanities Lab Difficulties letting go of fearful memories? “Just remember, if your thoughts wander away – gently remind yourself to return to focusing on your breath”. Lund University Humanities Lab publishing date 2020-06 type Other contribution publication status published subject.
Lund University Humanities Lab has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K Centre. Entry date 2017-11-06
LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries’ joint resources. Through a single search field, you can find articles, journals, doctoral theses and books. If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or Lucat account to access the full texts. You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A–Z. Through ePublications you get a collective entry
Humanities Lab; The Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections; Lund University Box 192 SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) Shortcuts.
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S-223 62 Lund Sweden. E-mail: The University has 40 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, The Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University Humanities Lab, 28.
CLARIN Knowledge Center of Lund University Humanities Lab CLARIN 2. Field of expertise CLARIN 3 • The K-centre is basically open to everything that the lab does! • language archiving
Lund University Humanities Lab has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K Centre. Entry date 2017-11-06
Welcome to the archive browser of the Lund University Humanities Lab. The archive hosts images, audio, video, and various kinds of text data such as word lists and transcriptions from many different projects.
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Lund University Humanities Lab, Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Network. About. 5. Publications.
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Konferensartikel - LiU Electronic Press
With its expertise in several research domains, the Lab has contributed to enrich the research landscape in the Humanities and Social Sciences and Lund University Humanities Lab CLARIN K CENTRE Algoritm för handläggning av bröstsmärtepatienter BRöSTSMÄRTA SAMTLIGA 3 KRITERIER SKALL UPPFYLLAS 1) INTE far AKS. 2) Inga p' ps ENDAST 1 KRITERIUM BEHOVER UPPFYLLAS TnT frSn an TnT till TnT taget far OCH TnT p' EKG" ning HOG RISK för AKS • HIA jor_.