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But "most successful populists today are on the right, particularly the Translation for 'poder' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. WordSense Dictionary: Podemos - meaning, definition. Practical examples. Automatically generated examples in Spanish: "La negociación del PSOE con ERC y Unidas Podemos está basándose en unas prácticas viciadas por la opacidad y el engaño. Podemos (IPA: [poˈðemos]), che in italiano significa «possiamo», è un partito politico spagnolo di sinistra, d'ispirazione socialdemocratica, no global ed eco-socialista, contrario all'austerità dell'Unione europea e propugnatore della democrazia diretta e della difesa dei diritti sociali (lavoro, istruzione, salute). Podemos (Spanish to English translation).
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LogoListo lo hace fácil y rápido. sigue #logolisto Podemos hacerlo juntos; sin embargo, tú tendrás que poner tu parte. We can do it together; however, you will have to do your part. 3. Sin embargo as an aside. It can also be used to interrupt a sentence.
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Need to translate "podemos" from Spanish? Here are 4 possible meanings. English Translation.
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What does podemos mean? Information and translations of podemos in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
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But "most successful populists today are on the right, particularly the Translation for 'poder' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. WordSense Dictionary: Podemos - meaning, definition. Practical examples. Automatically generated examples in Spanish: "La negociación del PSOE con ERC y Unidas Podemos está basándose en unas prácticas viciadas por la opacidad y el engaño.
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See 27 authoritative translations of Poder in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Meaning and examples for 'podemos' in Spanish-English dictionary. √ 100% FREE. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use. Podemos cantar, podemos danzar, podemos bromear, podemos sonreír y podemos reír. We can sing, we can dance, we can joke, we can smile, and we can laugh.