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Internet side: www.sahlgrenska.se The mean weight change was −9.44 (6.57) kg in the weight reduction and IVF group as compared to +1.19 (1.95) kg in the IVF only group, being highly significant (P < 0.0001). Significantly more live births were achieved through spontaneous pregnancies in the weight reduction and IVF group, 10.5% (16) as compared to the IVF only group 2.6% (4 strålBehandling i Göteborg åbningstider i dag. Gula stråket 6, 413 45 Göteborg, Sweden, telefon:+46 31 342 22 18, alle åbningstider, billede, map, beliggenhed Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Bla Straket 15, SE‐413 15 Goeteborg, Sweden Search for more papers by this author First published: 15 May 2003 Isolated sheep uteri were perfused with the preservation solution IGL‐1 and were then exposed to cold ischemia for either 4 (n = 6) or 48 hours (n = 7). Uteri were then reperfused for 48 hours under normothermic conditions with an oxygenated recirculating perfusate containing growth factors and synthetic oxygen carriers. The sparse OCT-4 expression in the hESCs attached to the DM indicates that the hESCs have started to lose their stem cell qualities and are beginning to adopt features associated with corneal endothelial cells, as shown by the expression of PAX-6, and NaKATPase. The former, PAX-6, is a non-specific indicator of development in the eye.

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