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Substance. & drug name. Origin Wenche Rolfsen, the late docent Premila Perera. av T Ringbom · 2002 · Citerat av 3 — facilitate future searches for new COX-2 inhibitors of natural origin. Therese Ringbom Huss U., Ringbom T., Perera P., Bohlin L. Vasänge M. (2002) Screening of Nevertheless, the name the second step, PGG2 is reduced to PGH2 by.

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Adress: Håknäsvägen , Postnummer​: 21 - Hitta mer  With 74 illustrations, in the text, two maps and one table in pocket at end. Stockholm A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations. Name-stamp. Perera, Premila Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on  23 jan. 2020 — title for a human being of extraterrestrial origin who is recognized as JHWH, the King of Talmud Jmmanuel, Chapter 15, Verses 84-87:Yet, before the end of two times a Jmmanuel is the true name of an actual human being. M.S.C.


Aside from Argentina this last name exists in 78 countries. Your last name can say a lot about you and where you come from. Ever wonder what your last name means?

Perera last name origin

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Perera last name origin

Early Origins of the Perera family The surname Perera was first found in Northern Portugal near the Spanish border. The ancestors of the bearers of this name are thought to descend from Don Mendo "irmao" of Desiderio, King of the Lombards. 243 rows Name History and Origin for perera Naming patterns can help you learn more about your family’s cultural and ethnic background. You might find alternate name … Photos and 542 biographies with the Perera last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Perera family members.

In French this became "pere" and in Medieval English "peer". The surname Pereyra is of local origin, that is, it is a surname derived from the place of origin of the initial bearer.
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Perera last name origin

The name is derived from the Spanish word "Pera," which means "pear." Early Origins of the Perera family Catalan: topographic name from Catalan perera ‘pear tree’. Galician and Portuguese: variant of Pereira. This name is also found in western India, where it was taken by Portuguese colonists. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press.

In some case it is claimed that the name is a nickname although again ultimately one from a Roman word this time "par". In French this became "pere" and in Medieval English "peer".
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2018-03-07 · Pereira was one of the names given to the Paravars as a surname. In 1505, Lourenço de Almeida, a Portuguese explorer and military commander made his first voyage to Ceylon and established a settlement there. From then on, the Catalan name “Perera” became one of the surnames among both the Catholics and Buddhist Sinhalese..

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In this case, the surname is derived from one of several places so named in Portugal. The name is derived from the Spanish word "Pera," which means "pear." Early Origins of the Pereyra family Surname (or family name) Perera has Sri Lankan origin: Similar sounding surnames: Perera, Pereira PERERA is ranked as the 9094th most popular family name in the United States with an estimated population of 4,003. This name is in the 98th percentile, this means that nearly 1% of all the last names are more popular.