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a typical example or instance. 3. an original or archetype. 4. a copy of a book or text. Exemplars publishes authentic performance tasks for assessment and instruction. Rubrics and student anchor papers are included.


Det här är ett fint exemplar. Bägaren fanns bara i fem exemplar.


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18. 4:30. Dec 31, 2008. Lars Winnerbäck.

See more. The definition of an exemplar is person or thing that is considered as a pattern to be copied. An example of an exemplar is a person that others try to imitate, such as Michael Jackson.

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EXEMPLAR - engelsk översättning - svenskt-engelskt

Find 17 ways to say EXEMPLAR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The exemplar problems from class 6 to 12 offer a wide variation of questions from each chapter to help the students to get acquainted with the different questions types. This helps the students to develop problem-solving abilities and helps them to tackle any type of question in … 2021-02-24 Precigen Exemplar is advancing a broad pipeline of proprietary genetically engineered ExeGen ® MiniSwine models that are invaluable for disease mechanism discovery and preclinical efficacy testing.