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To the quiet mind all things are possible. Meister Eckhart Quotes. 1. “ And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. ”. — Meister Eckhart. 2.
Meister Eckhart. Mistake Inaction Price. Meister Eckhart Quotes The seed of God is in us. Given an intelligent and hard-working farmer, it will thrive and grow up to God, whose seed it is; and accordingly its fruits will be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and God-seed into God. Heart, Heaven, Home, Inspirational, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”. -- Meister Eckhart.
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German - Philosopher 1260 - 1328. If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart. Life Thankful Your.
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Given an intelligent and hard-working farmer, it will thrive and grow up to God, whose seed it is; and accordingly its fruits will be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and God-seed into God. Meister Eckhart Quotes 1.