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Verksamhets- berättelse 2016 - Kungliga biblioteket
Advanced This option allows users to search by Publication, Volume and Page Selecting this option will search the current publication in context. Book Search tips Selecting this option will search all publications across the Scitation platform Selecting this option will search all publications for the Publisher/Society in context Biointerphases is an interdisciplinary journal communicating leading works towards understanding biological and biomaterial interfaces through quantitative characterization, modelling, and mechanisms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America is the leading source of sound research, serving physical scientists, life scientists, engineers, psychologists, physiologists, architects, musicians, and speech communication specialists. Advanced This option allows users to search by Publication, Volume and Page Selecting this option will search the current publication in context. Book Search tips Selecting this option will search all publications across the Scitation platform Selecting this option will search all publications for the Publisher/Society in context AIP Advances, 7(12), Article number: 125309 1-10.
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Since AIP Advances is an open-access journal funded by payment of article processing charges, your articles will be freely av ailable worldwide immediately on publication. Authors will also retain AIP Advances is an open-access peer-reviewed scientific mega journal published by the American Institute of Physics.
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Verksamhets- berättelse 2016 - Kungliga biblioteket
The overall rank of AIP Advances is 9475. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.504. AIP Advances is a community-based journal, with a fast production cycle. The quick publication process and open-access model allows us to quickly distribute new scientific concepts. Our Editors, assisted by peer review, determine whether a manuscript is technically correct and original. All AIS publications are the property of LVNL.