Kim Philby: The Spy I Loved: Philby, Eleanor: Books
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In 1963, at the height of the Cold War, a well-educated Englishman called Kim Philby boarded a Russian freighter in Beirut and defected to Moscow under the Dec 14, 2011 In the real world, where his real name is David Cornwall, he was one of the British spies who was betrayed by Kim Philby, the notorious MI6 May 13, 2011 Eleanor Philby's book and also the movie "A Different Loyalty" are reviewed at the following blog, where I go into some detail about reasons the Feb 23, 2002 I am mediately saw a movie in. 00:15:36. my head. I had sold rights the to make a movie.
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Kim Philby was born on January 1, 1912 in Ambala, Punjab, British India as Harold Adrian Russell Philby. He was married to Rufina Ivanovna Pukhova, Eleanor Brewer, Aileen Furse and Litzi Friedmann. He died on May 11, 1988 in Moscow, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia]. Directed by George Carey. With Dick Beeston, George Blake, Anthony Blunt, Winston Churchill. Documentary on Kim Philby's career as an MI6 agent who spied for the Soviet Union throughout WWII and afterward, and his subsequent exile in the Moscow. Jack Philby went on to write, "The only serious question is whether Kim definitely intended to be disloyal to the government while in its service." [8] Upon Philby's graduation, Maurice Dobb , a fellow of King's College, Cambridge and tutor in Economics, introduced him to the World Federation for the Relief of the Victims of German Fascism in Paris.
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The 2005 film A Different Loyalty is an unattributed account taken from Eleanor Philby's book, Kim Philby: The Spy I Loved. The film recounts Philby's love affair and marriage to Eleanor Brewer during his time in Beirut and his eventual defection to the Soviet Union in late January 1963, though the characters based on Philby and Brewer have different names. Storyline The story of Kim Philby, one of the famous Cambridge spies, who was a double agent for the KGB while working in a position of trust for the British secret service. The person he betrayed more than anybody else was his close friend and superior in the British secret service, Nicholas Elliott.
Kim touched many corners of the Empire in his early years, from his birthplace in India to the deserts of the Arabian peninsula to the prestigious schools of England. Kim Philby, vero nome Harold Adrian Russell Philby, talora indicato col suo acronimo H.A.R. Philby (Ambala, 1º gennaio 1912 – Mosca, 11 maggio 1988), è stato un agente segreto britannico, che acquisì la cittadinanza sovietica nel 1963. Kim Philby sent at least hundreds of people he mostly didn't know and and had no personal animus toward behind the Iron Curtain to what he knew would be certain death while maintaining the unbroken trust and intimate companionship of his friends and fellow British operatives of the British Intelligence service MI6.
2014-07-28 · When Kim Philby decided that he wanted to join the British Secret Intelligence Service, he “dropped a few hints here and there,” as he later recalled, and waited patiently. 2016-04-04 · Kim Philby, Britain’s most notorious cold war traitor, told an audience of East German spies after his defection that he was able to avoid being rumbled for so long because he had been “born
2017-09-28 · British double agent Kim Philby -- one of the infamous Cambridge Five spy ring -- is the subject of a new exhibition in Moscow.
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spioner i kallt krig : Valter Krivitskij, Gusti Stridsberg, Kim Philby / Wilhelm Agrell. Historien har också blivit både animerad film och spelfilm. Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby, född 1 januari 1912 i Ambala, Provinsen Punjab, Brittiska Indien, död 11 maj 1988 i Earthquake, War, Movie Awards?
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1977-05-31 · Directed by Gordon Flemyng. With Anthony Bate, Derek Jacobi, Michael Culver, Bernard Archard. Recruited by the Russians during their days at Cambridge, three young Englishmen rise to become high-ranked MI5 agents until their exposure in 1949. Even though Philby was a master spy, his spy work was probably full of little intellectual details that might not be so interesting to the average movie goer in comparison to the exploits of Christoper Boyce and Daulton Lee in the Falcon and the S Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby, född 1 januari 1912 i Ambala, Provinsen Punjab, Brittiska Indien, död 11 maj 1988 i Moskva, Sovjetunionen, var en brittisk storspion och dubbelagent samt överste inom KGB. Biografi. Philby var son till arabisten St. John Philby. Han fick smeknamnet "Kim" från Rudyard Kiplings roman Kim. Harold "Kim" Philby. Harold "Kim" Philby was a senior officer in Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6, who began his work for the Soviet Union as a spy in 1934.