Scandinavian Enviro SES aktie Alla nyheter - Börskollen


Veckans aktie – Scandinavian Enviro Systems

We base our recommendation on the following arguments: Scandinavian Enviro Systems is not a large company by global standards. It has a market capitalization of kr1.2b, which means it wouldn't have the attention of many institutional investors. Taking a look at our data on the ownership groups (below), it seems that institutions are noticeable on the share registry. Enviro Systems is an AS9100 Registered supplier of environmental controls for some of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. With a state-of-the-art facility and robust in-house capabilities, Enviro Systems produces products with some of the industry’s shortest lead times, lowest failure rates and longest lifespans. Scandinavian Enviro Systems 2021-03-23 07:25 Enviro, a Swedish clean-tech company on the verge of fully commercialising its patented technology, allows valuable raw material recovery from used tyres – whilst solving an environmental issue. Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB was founded in 2001.

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Investor Relations. We strive to maintain an open dialogue with the stock market, the media, customers and other interested parties. Our aim is to ensure that shareholders, analysts and investors receive continuous financial information about Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB. List of Shareholders for Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) as of 2016-11-25. Source: Euroclear Sweden AB and information available to the company. Mangold sees potential in Scandinavian Enviro Systems (Enviro) and hereby decides to raise the 12-month forward target price to SEK5.00 per share. This is an upward adjustment from the initial analysis (SEK1.5 per share) and an upside of 130 percent from the current market price. We base our recommendation on the following arguments: Scandinavian Enviro Systems is not a large company by global standards.

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Pegroco Invest AB (publ) is currently the largest shareholder, with 7.8% of shares outstanding. Avanza Fonder AB is the second largest shareholder with 7.2% of common stock, followed by Nordnet AB, Asset Management Arm, holding 4.0% of the stock. Enviro provides information on partnership with Michelin and long-term ambition Tue, Mar 02, 2021 15:15 CET. In the virtual information disclosure to be published by Scandinavian Enviro Systems (publ) (“Enviro” or “The Company”) today, March 2 at 4:00 p.m. the company will respond to questions on subjects that include the license agreement with Michelin.

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Scandinavian enviro systems avanza

Scandinavian enviro systems avanza

It has a market capitalization of kr1.2b, which means it wouldn't have the attention of many institutional investors. Taking a look at our data on the ownership groups (below), it seems that institutions are noticeable on the share registry. Enviro Systems is an AS9100 Registered supplier of environmental controls for some of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. With a state-of-the-art facility and robust in-house capabilities, Enviro Systems produces products with some of the industry’s shortest lead times, lowest failure rates and longest lifespans. Scandinavian Enviro Systems 2021-03-23 07:25 Enviro, a Swedish clean-tech company on the verge of fully commercialising its patented technology, allows valuable raw material recovery from used tyres – whilst solving an environmental issue.

Avensia, 0,00, 0 2,53, 0,49. Scandinavian Enviro Systems, 0,80, 0,02. 1 maj 2020 Den initialt mycket positiva kursreaktionen på Michelin-avtalet då aktien toppade på 54 öre har successivt klingat av. Aktien har fallit tillbaka till  Tja! Tänkte det kunde vara kul att dela lite om vad vi köper efter lönen som kom nyligen.
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Scandinavian enviro systems avanza

Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 8 503 01 550,, är Enviros Certified Adviser på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm. Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB Scandinavian Enviro Systems: Enviro vinner internationellt hållbarhetspris, Recircle Awards: 12 Mar 2021: Scandinavian Enviro Systems - Däcket har satts i rullning - Mangold Insight analys: 09 Mar 2021: Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) den 9 mars 2021: 02 Mar 2021 Enviro har utvecklat en patenterad teknologi för återvinning av uttjänta däck, ur vilka värdefulla de värdefulla resurserna kimrök, olja, stål och gas återvinns. Enviros huvudsakliga affärsmodell är att utveckla, bygga, äga, sälja och driva anläggningar, med fokus på återvinning av kimrök, vilken står för upp till 80 procent av det totala kommersiella värdet från en Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) (”Enviro” eller ”Bolaget”) meddelar idag att styrelse och ledning kommer teckna ytterligare 730 905 units i den pågående företrädesemissionen med units bestående av aktier och vidhängande vederlagsfria teckningsoptioner (”Företrädesemissionen”), vilken offentliggjordes den 26 oktober 2018. Scandinavian Enviro Systems (publ) (”Enviro” eller ”Bolaget”) representant på den brittiska marknaden, 2G BioPOWER, har beviljats motsvarande cirka 2,5 MSEK i statligt bidrag för en förstudie som ska undersöka möjligheterna för en storskalig introduktion av Enviros återvinningsteknologi för uttjänta däck i Storbritannien.

I den här intervjun (från 16/4)med VD Thomas nämner han att de arbetar med modulbaserade lösningar när bygger sina fabriker allt för att kunna skala upp  Senaste nytt om Scandinavian Enviro Systems aktie. Scandinavian Enviro Systems komplett bolagsfakta från Avanza Pension, 6,50%, 6,50%.
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Aktieanalys Scandinavian Enviro Systems SES Always

It has a market capitalization of kr1.2b, which means it wouldn't have the attention of many institutional investors. Taking a look at our data on the ownership groups (below), it seems that institutions are noticeable on the share registry. Enviro Systems is an AS9100 Registered supplier of environmental controls for some of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. With a state-of-the-art facility and robust in-house capabilities, Enviro Systems produces products with some of the industry’s shortest lead times, lowest failure rates and longest lifespans.

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