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2021-04-09 · In biology, an androgynous person, animal, or plant has both male and female sexual characteristics. If you describe someone as androgynous, you mean that they are not distinctly masculine or feminine in appearance or in behaviour . Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them. an·dro·gyne (ăn′drə-jīn′) n. An androgynous individual.

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You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Androgyny. 2021-04-09 Androgyny Meaning in hindi / Androgyny का हिन्दी अर्थ. Adjective :-1. द्विलिंगता ( dvilinagata ) Synonyms of Androgyny / Androgyny के पर्यायवाची :-1. Hermaphroditism 2.


Also find spoken pronunciation of androgyny  Androgyny is breathtaking not only because of its intense colours and sheer size but also because of its intent and its complex imagery. The monumental canvas  Meaning of Androgyny: Hermaphroditism.

Androgyny meaning

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Androgyny meaning

Look it up now! 1. androgyny - showing characteristics of both sexes. bisexuality, hermaphroditism. sexuality, gender - the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus". Andro- is a latin prefix referring to maleness or men, while -gyn is a root that can be used as either a suffix of prefix meaning woman. A person who practices androgyny is an androgyne.

What does androgyny mean? Hermaphroditism. (noun) Sexual androgyny permeated the music scene with artists like David Bowie and Marc Bolan, and "Free Love" became the motto of a generation. Androgyny is a term derived from the Greek words ανήρ, stem ανδρ- (anér, andr-, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman), referring to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.
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Androgyny meaning

1 : having the characteristics or nature of both male and female androgynous heroines. 2 a : neither specifically feminine nor masculine the androgynous pronoun them. b : suitable … 2017-04-05 1.

A particularly popular buzzword within the  Androgynous. An androgynous entity is one of indeterminate sex or possessing attributes considered both male and female. Androgynous is the descriptor for  6 Jun 2015 Photo: Thinkstock.
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Androgyny definition is - the quality or state of being neither specifically feminine or masculine : the combination of feminine and masculine characteristics : the quality or state of being androgynous. Androgyny definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Andro- is a latin prefix referring to maleness or men, while -gyn is a root that can be used as either a suffix of prefix meaning woman.

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