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. Watch Dentips Ep 4 : In last week's Dentips video we learnt how to brush correctly. As brushing only cleans 60% of your teeth surfaces, it's important to Easyinsmile® Disposable Oral Care Tooth Cleaning Spong Swab, 50pcs/boxOral Swabs gently clean, moisten and refresh mouth, teeth and gumsSponge ( foam head ) 2011-05-25 Posts about DenTips written by wcopareviewsblog. WCOPA Reviews Blog This blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 2012-08-14 Our mission extends beyond the Charity and into the communities that we serve. We are Dentips Org, an oral health awareness and camaign organization that specializes in the provision of Oral health aids and support to the vulnerable neonates to mature citizes in Nigeria who may not be empowered enough to seek the required oral health aid that they 2013-05-16 2011-07-29 Medline DenTips oral swabsticks are individually packaged and disposable for your convenience.